Sunday, 16 November 2014


How many times do we experience hurt in all manner and forms and don’t say anything to anyone….we sometimes think that we can handle it on our own? The truth of the matter is that we may want to appear to persons that we are strong and we can “handle” the pain but really, can we?

One of my favourite Scripture verses comes from Psalm 121 which says “I lift up my eyes to the mountains- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”  And indeed ALL my help comes from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pain or hurt is a feeling that we can never describe or explain to others but I do know that there is hope, there is life after pain, there is a future after all is said and done. One that is bright that offers hope, life, joy and abundant blessings…..that is found in the Lord Jesus Christ.


STOP D ABUSE offers the following to hurting persons:

  1. Outreach programmes.
    This is geared towards members of the public who may feel they need professional assistance in dealing with any form of abuse or hurt they have or are presently experiencing. This is done on a volunteer basis.
  2. Counselling sessions.
    STOP D ABUSE will also refer persons to professional counsellors when the need arises.  
  3. Support networking.
    This is a means for supporting each other overcome their past and embrace the wonderful future that awaits them.
  4. Training.
    This is geared towards teaching persons basic skills to empower them to return to the job market, enhance their skills or if necessary train and develop their natural skills to face the job market which will enable them to be financially dependent.
  5. Spiritual training/impartation.
    I am of the firm view that we are not here by mistake but we have a divine plan and purpose on planet earth. To know what is that purpose/plan we need to spend that quality time with the maker of heaven and earth….Jesus Christ.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Too many times we ignore signs which will illustrate that people are hurting or they are affected by a traumatic event that transpired in the past. Many hurting people try to "deal or cope" with the hurt and pain on their own but fail to realize that there are "professional" centres available to assist them along this road to recovery.  I found this of interest and thought i would share .

here is something of interest