Thursday 1 January 2015



John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

What is love? Many say it’s the feeling you feel inside when you are attracted to the opposite sex, the feeling between spouses, it’s the feeling when one experience the birth of a new-born, it’s when a couple gets married, it’s when a you  purchases a bouquet of flowers for his significant other….the lists goes on and on….

Real love is only found in Jesus Christ. God sent His only son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and that was done as a direct result of LOVE.

Many have been fallen prey and been abused under the hands of LOVED ones. My word to you is to permit Jesus Christ to love you and restore you, it’s only in HIM you can find REAL LOVE….I know because I am speaking from experience.

Today, make the decision to give JESUS a chance with your heart. He will not only shower you with REAL LOVE but He will take your hurt and pain and give you joy everlasting.

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