is the last day of 2014! In the Caribbean it is still 2014 but in other parts
of the world it is 2015 already.
would like to encourage everyone, don’t go into 2015 with the hurt and
emotional baggage that may debar you from being YOU!
permit others to steal your joy or circumstances to do so, STOP D ABUSE is here
to stay and help you to restore your joy and you holistically.
pains are always painful but to be whole and make progress YOU must make that
first step towards that journey.
At some point in our life we have had tunnel vision and expected life to be a certain way. We study our failures …( most of us begins each year with this …its called New Year Resolution… what did I do wrong , what I am going to fix in me ) until we lose sight of our successes ( What did I do right , what I am grateful for, what are my accomplishments for this past year) . getting rid of the emotional baggage and entering a new year is growth and a success of its own.. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015. Live , Love and Laugh